A chord is any simultaneous sounding of 3 or more notes.

In the example above, the first chord consists of 5 notes built in seconds; this is sometimes called a tone cluster.
The second chord contains three notes and is built in 4ths.
The third chord contains 3 notes and is built in 3rds. Since it is built in 3rds, it is called a tertian chord. And because it has 3 notes, it is called a triad.
A triad is a 3-note chord built in intervals of a 3rd.

However, we usually think of the the intervals between the bottom note and the upper notes as we build the different chords; we talk about the interval between the bottom and middle note (the 3rd) and the bottom and the top note (the 5th).
There are four types of triads with different interval makeups:
Major triad
A Major triad consists of a Major 3 (M3; 1-3) and Perfect 5 (P5; 1-5) above the bottom/bass note.
In scale degrees (last chord below), it is 1-3-5 of a major scale.

Minor triad
A minor triad consists of a minor 3 (m3; 1-b3) and a Perfect 5 (P5; 1-5) above the bottom/bass note.
In scale degrees, a minor triad is 1-b3-5 of a major scale.

Diminished triad
A diminished triad consists of a minor 3 (m3; 1-b3) and a diminished 5 (d5; 1-b5) above the bottom/bass note.
In scale degrees, a diminished triad is 1-b3-b5 of the major scale.

Augmented triad
An augmented triad consists of a major 3 (M3; 1-3) and an Augmented 5 (A5; 1-5) above the bottom/bass note.
In scale degrees, an augmented triad is 1-3-#5 of a major scale.

Jazz/Pop designations
The jazz/pop designations for a triad tells you the root of the chord (the letter name).
The root of a chord is the bottom/bass note when the chord is built in thirds.
The jazz pop designation also indicates the quality of the chord.
Major triad – the root of the chord
Minor triad – root of the chord with a minus sign (-)
Diminished triad – root of the chord with a o
Augmented triad – root of the chord with a +

In the above, the scale degrees/intervals that make up the triads are indicated.

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