Here are some ways to practice the chromatic and major scales.
For all scales
Try playing the scale in different ways. Refer to the handout below for more information.
As shown on the handout above, you can:
Run the scale (play it ascending and descending.
Play the scale in 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, etc. both ascending and descending.
Play triads based on each scale degree in closed (1-3-5) and open (1-5-3) spacing.
Approach each triad with a half step.
Play diatonic seventh chords on each scale degree.
Play quartal chords based on each scale degree.
Play other patterns (1-2-3-5 or 1-3-2-1) on each scale degree.
Improvise on the scale while playing a tonic drone.Play the scale in 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, etc. both ascending and descending.
Chromatic scale
Play the chromatic scale ascending and descending starting on C.

Play the scale ascending and descending starting on different notes.
Major scales
Below are some handouts that might help you play you major scales in different ways. (Refer to the “Playing scales” handout above.)
Play all your major scales ascending and descending. Start slow and increase the tempo. Make sure you can play the scales from memory and at random (i.e., not always in the order on the handout.) Flashcards are great for choosing random scales.
Play all your major scales with the chord it contains.
Play the scale as a 13th chord.
Improvise using the notes of the scale.

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