In the chord progression below, the NRT relationship between each pair of chords from chord 1 to chord 5 can be analyzed as one transformation — P, R, or L.

However, the movement between chords 5-6 and 6-7 needs multiple transformations (compound transformations) to get from one chord to another. When compound transformations are needed, take the route that makes the least number of transformations to get from one chord tot the other. Then list all the transformations in order.
Chords 5-6 (Gb to C): To get from the Gb major triad to the C major triad (in the least number of steps), the following transformations are needed: RPRP.

This can be seen on the Tonnetz as:
Between the last two chords (C to F, V to I), the following transformations are needed: RL.
This movement from V-I is so common that some analysts call this the DOM (Dominant) transformation.

This dominant relaltionship can be seen on the Tonnetz as follows:
So the transformations of this entire progression can be seen as:

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